The First Christmas recounts the story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Many quotes about Christmas from the sermons of Charles Spurgeon are interspersed throughout the book giving a unique perspective on the events surrounding the birth.

Without a doubt, Charles Spurgeon had a way with words that few other preachers could match. This book contains over 300 of his quotes about Christmas which have been collected from his sermons and books. The quotes have been categorized by each of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus to make it easy to find topical quotes. They have also been numbered for ease of reference.

The quotes in “The Best of Harvest Home” are not necessarily the best Spurgeon quotes on death and dying, but as I compiled the quotes for the Harvest Home series, these are the ones that resonated the most with me. The Harvest Home collection of quotes contains over 1100 Spurgeon quotes on death and dying. For those that find that overwhelming, I hope this small volume will be sufficient in giving you a taste of Spurgeon’s views on the subject.

The First Christmas recounts the story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Many quotes about Christmas from the sermons of Charles Spurgeon are interspersed throughout the book giving a unique perspective on the events surrounding the birth.

This book includes twelve daily devotional thoughts for the Christmas season.