Following a devastating breakup, Emma Jackson isn’t interested in love, until her next-door neighbour moves in and snags her heart. But Jeremy Sternly is too shy to ask her out. Can he conquer his fear of rejection before it’s too late?

The quaint town of Smiths Falls, Ontario, sets the backdrop for this 1970s sweet Christian romance.

An intriguing colour.

My daughter bought me some anemone bulbs which have quickly become one of my favorite flowers.

The viceroy butterfly is often confused with the monarch butterfly. The black line on the back wings is one main difference between the two types.

Snack Time. This viceroy butterfly is helping itself to some sunflower nectar.

One of the prettiest flowers I have grown.

This cute little flower blooms in spring.

Is it a jungle scene? No, just SOS steel wool really close up.

My daughter makes some wonderful gingersnap cookies. They taste great and are quite proficient in disappearing 😁. Looking a little closer, they have a unique appearance that resembles a dangerous world of caverns and cliffs with giant crystals 🧗‍♂️.

I hope you enjoy this new perspective.

This is a pretty flower, similar to a bluebell though it looks to be an invasive species.